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Car accidents can result in a range of injuries with profound impacts on daily life. While many associate crashes with common injuries like broken bones or whiplash, lesser-known issues, such as nerve damage or neuropathy, can also arise.

Nerve damage may vary in duration and be either temporary or permanent. If you sustained nerve damage in a car crash, you might qualify for compensation.

Peripheral neuropathy

Peripheral neuropathy affects the nerves in the extremities—arms and legs. Car accidents can cause direct trauma or compression, leading to tingling, numbness or weakness in affected areas.

Autonomic neuropathy

Autonomic neuropathy affects the involuntary nervous system. This may lead to problems with blood pressure, digestion or temperature regulation, impacting bodily functions that often go unnoticed.

Cranial neuropathy

Head injuries in car accidents can cause cranial neuropathy, affecting the nerves responsible for facial movements, vision or hearing. The impact on these functions can significantly impact one’s quality of life.

Impact on work

Peripheral neuropathy may lead to a loss of sensation, affecting fine motor skills necessary for many occupations. The diminished ability to feel or control certain movements can limit work capabilities.

Nerve damage often produces chronic pain, which can be a persistent distraction at work. The constant discomfort may hinder focus, productivity and overall job performance.

Impact on family

Beyond work, nerve damage can affect an individual’s ability to care for family members. Peripheral neuropathy can result in reduced mobility, making daily tasks challenging. Simple activities like lifting, carrying or playing with children may become difficult or impossible.

The emotional toll of nerve damage can strain relationships within the family. Chronic pain, limited functionality and the challenges of daily life may contribute to stress and affect the overall family dynamic.

Compensation and negligence in Tennessee

Individuals who sustain nerve damage in a car accident may be eligible for compensation. Economic damages can include medical expenses, lost wages due to an inability to work. For long-term or permanent injuries, you may qualify to receive future lost wages and medical expenses.

Tennessee’s modified comparative negligence laws impact compensation after a car crash. If you share some fault for the accident, your compensation may be less, based on the percentage of your responsibility. However, if your fault exceeds 50%, you may not be eligible for compensation.

Non-economic damages

These damages cover pain and suffering, emotional distress and the overall impact on one’s quality of life. Assessing non-economic damages involves evaluating the extent of the nerve injuries, their effects on daily life and the emotional toll endured.

For nerve injuries with long-term effects, be careful about accepting initial settlement offers from insurance companies. They may not offer enough to cover all of your expenses.